Guselect (Gustavo Barros) is a game developer and content creator from Brazil, loves pixel art and puppies. Guselect has been creating games since he was a child.
His games on have over 100k downloads and his YouTube Channel has over 22 million views and 500,000 subscribers.
“When I was five years old, I got a Sega Mega Drive console from a relative, and that gift changed my life completely. I was obsessed with games. I filled notebooks with drawings of characters, drew games that didn’t exist, created music using my mother’s pans… I was an extremely hyperactive and messy child. When I was eight years old, I got a computer and started researching how to create games.”
Guselect on Game Maker’s Interview
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“I like to call myself an artist to remind everyone that games are indeed art. I feel that with each passing day people understand that a little more.”
Guselect on Game Maker’s Interview